We know you are interesting in immigrating to Canada and get a Job offer but a lot of dishonest individuals have started making use of this urge and need of foreign nationals or immigrant in sending scam job offers to them. These individuals understand how complicated it can be sometimes to get a job in Canada especially as an immigrant and therefore a new way of scamming foreigners is to be send fake job offers to them.
Not to worry, we at Damact are ready to show you sign and ways you can tell if a Job offer is fake or a scam job offer. So read and equip yourself to be able to spot these fake job offers. Below are few signs and ways to can be able to find out if a job offer is legitimate or not and not to rush at any job offer because of your immigration status.

Job Offer is Ready, Payment Needed to Access it
Firstly, a payment condition will be added to the job offer in order to process a job permit which is totally not possible as a work permit cannot be processed without the involved of the You (the Foreign National). The foreign national has to be involved in the processing of the work permit and no organization has the power to apply on your behave.
The cost of applying for a work permit is $155 but in the job offer the amount requested to be paid will be far higher for the processing of the permit.
Also note that no organization has the time to be going through the complicated Canadian Job pool just to offer a foreigner a job, it hardly happens especially without conduction an interview which can be face to face interview.
Spot Job Offer Errors
You should easily spot the errors in the letter sent to you, anyone that is placed with the power of employment should be well equipped with the right words and high quality in language when composing such job offers as it is a very important and confidential document.
If you find any error in the typing of the job offer or poor quality language this is a very important sign you should not miss out. As a well-established company will not agree to such standard of job offers.
High and Unrealistic Salary
It is important to know the level or range of job compensation when it comes to the job or your specialization. When you notice a the job letter has a far higher compensation then this is a sign you should watch out for and not be overwhelmed with happiness.
No well-organized organization will offer such salary to a potential immigrant which his skills and job performance has not be measured and observed. These kind of fake job offers comes with other attractive benefits which can leave your mouth opened such as free accommodation, paid travels, free car, long holidays which are totally unrealistic.
Incorrect Address and Contact Information in the Job Offer
This scammers know that if the put the correct information of the organization in Canada which the recipient can use to get across to the organization will indirectly lead to the total failure and the scam will be exposed.
Therefore the scammers will find a way to insert fake and incorrect contact information which is not possible as the company will love for the new employee to get across with them to verify certain information. This is a major sign of a fake job offer which you should look out for.
You should also note the email address used to send you such job offers and to see if it a custom email from the company giving you the job. The similarities should be noticed and the website of the organization should be visited to confirm the details.
Job Offer Letter Format
Canada and other countries have various ways to constructing an offer letter which will make it look legit and professional, almost all organizations or companies do follow these rules and format in typing these important letters.
You should be able to tell the right formatting for these letter, if you don’t you can perform your research to be enlightened on how the offer letters are constructed and also offered to be well vast in these area which will help in telling which is real or fake.
We consider the urge to believe anything that seems to be good news but you need to be very careful in order not be fall into the wrong hands. You will successfully immigrate to Canada, just be very careful during the process