The Quebec provincial government has decided to suspend the acceptance of new applications for the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, as posted in the Official gazette on the 30th of October, 2019. Although this does not affect applications submitted before the 1st of November, 2019. The Quebec Immigration Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette claims that the suspension was put in place in order to provide time, for over 20,000 unprocessed permanent residence applications be sorted through.
Critics on the other hand claim the motion was passed to allow wealthy individuals purchase Canadian permanent residence and citizenship. While supporters claim that the move gives prospective candidates time to prepare their Investor applications for submission when the new intake period opens.

Meanwhile, new quotas has been set for entrepreneurs and self-employed workers who do not have a high level of French, stating the number of applications the province will receive, under the Quebec Entrepreneur Program. Between 1st of November, 2019 to 30th of September 2020, the province will accept 25 applications under the first stream.
The First stream is for individuals who score above 41 on the Quebec Economic Class Selection Grid. This stream is for individuals who intend to settle in Quebec to operate their franchise and has received an offer of service from an enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or a university entrepreneurship Centre.
For the second stream, the province is set to take 35 applications with more stringent rules as compared to that of stream one. For this stream, the applicant needs a score that is above 81 with a net worth of $900,000. While the Quebec Self-employed workers Program will also accept 50 applications between November 1, 2019, and September 30, 2020. Although applicants still have to check through the eligibility requirement for the Quebec Experience Program.
Quebec Experience Program Adds New Requirements
Some major changes has been set in place by the Quebec Experience Program, these changes affects international students and places new requirement for those with work experience in Quebec to meet in order to obtain permanent residence. A few of these changes take effect from 1st of November, 2019, while others start on the 1st of January, 2020. Although a statement has not been released as to whether these changes would affect pending applications to the program.
The changes include;
- An in-demand occupation list for worker applicants (list is available in French only): candidates who wish to apply to the PEQ who have work experience must have worked in an occupation on the list.
- International students applying to the PEQ will have to ensure their area of training is one of the new Quebec degrees list (also available in French only). Also, international students who are enrolled in a 900 hour Quebec program will be required to complete six months of work experience following their studies. The work experience must be related to their field of study.
- In order to demonstrate their French proficiency applicants will have three options:
- take a standardized test
- meet the criteria set by a professional order; or
- Complete at least three years of full-time studies in French at the secondary or postsecondary level.
New language requirements has also been imposed on spousal visa applicants. Both the applicant and their spouse will have to demonstrate a high intermediate level of French, or a CLB 7 or 8. Also, effective January 1, 2020, spouses or common-law partners included in the application must demonstrate advanced intermediate knowledge of spoken French (level 7 or 8 on the Quebec Scale of French Proficiency Levels for Adult Immigrants.