5 In-Demand Jobs in a Post-Pandemic Era - Immigration Blog

5 In-Demand Jobs in a Post-Pandemic Era

The economies of many nations took a nosedive in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, Canada’s economy is gradually bouncing back as around 419,000 jobs emerged in July. There are speculations that more jobs will surface once the borders of the North American country is finally open. Immigrants should brace up for a new normal because jobs will no longer be the same in the post-pandemic era.

It’s not surprising that several brands had to restrategize to remain relevant this year. Many new positions were birthed and thousands of small businesses had to embrace digitalization. Some unpopular jobs such as courier are now in high demand.

This is because of the teeming number of online shoppers that need their services. Certain industries have been battling with labour shortage even before the pandemic. A lot of prospective workers couldn’t fill these positions due to lack of funds for training programs. Many immigrants were actively applying for visas earlier this year despite the pandemic. The country will need thousands of foreign skilled workers to get back on its feet fully.   

Read on to discover the hottest jobs in Canada after the COVID-19 crisis.

Manufacturing Jobs

The manufacturing industry is bound to experience a series of changes. There was a lesser incidence of pollution during the lockdown. Green workers and businesses have access to profitable opportunities with the increasing number of consumers who want eco-friendly alternatives in their everyday lives. Their knowledge and expertise will be in high demand in the manufacturing industry.

Environmentally-friendly business owners who are planning to relocate to Canada will benefit from several government initiatives. Self-sustaining strategies and a keen interest in boosting local production will become mainstream.  Some of the top jobs to look out for in the sector include green builders, water quality technicians, urban growers, machinist, solar cell manufacturers, and recyclers.

Health Jobs

Professionals in the healthcare industry are among the essential workers. Some countries had no option than to invite foreign healthcare workers because of the limited number of their front-line staff.

Canada will continue to prioritize equipping its medical facilities with professionals moving forward. Many companies have introduced new policies to curb the spread of the virus. Jobs like nurses are the popular ones in the healthcare industry. There will be a high demand for other jobs such as virologists, health policy managers, health trust managers, and caregivers.

This will go a long way to improve the safety of citizens, permanent residents, and tourists.

Education Jobs

The educational system in various institutions has changed since the beginning of the pandemic. Remote learning is now the new normal. Teachers should be ready to leverage the latest academic tools as they master new skills. The in-demand education jobs include education social worker, online tutors, health education teacher, and educational policy analyst.

Supply and Demand Jobs

We can’t undermine the importance of the seamless supply of goods in these trying times. Top retailers are poised to hire thousands of workers in a bid to enhance the entire supply chain. In case you’re interested in working in this industry, you can consider jobs such as forklift driver, delivery driver, warehouse manager, demand planning analyst, logistics manager, and fulfilment labourers.

Digital & Technology Jobs

It’s safe to say that many jobs in the digital and technology sector will be popular than ever before. There is hardly any business that can beat the competition without maximizing the latest technology tools in this 21st century. 

Top brands already understand this fact and are not leaving any stones unturned. More small and medium scale businesses will hire digital marketing experts from different niches.

Other relevant positions that are waiting to be filled include graphic designer, cybersecurity expert, content writer, data scientist, social media manager, and machine learning engineer.